Friday, June 10, 2005


Our attitude at the beginning of a job will affect the outcome of the job more than anything else.

Our attitude toward life determine their attitude towards us.

Our attitude towards others will determine their attitudes towards us.

Before we can achieve the kind of life we want, we must think, act, walk, talk, and conduct ourselves in ways characteristics of who we ultimately wish to become.

The higher we go in any organization of value, the better the attitude we’ll find.

Holding successful, positive thoughts in our minds will make all the difference in the world.

If we always make a person feel needed, important, and appreciated, he or she will return this attitude to us.

Part of good attitude is to look for the best in new ideas. So look for good ideas everywhere. We will find them in the most wonderful places:
On the bumpers of cars, on restaurant menus, in books, in travel, out of the innocent mouths of children.

Don’t broadcast personal problems.
It probably won’t help you, and it cannot help others.

Radiate the attitude of well-being

Don’t be embarrassed to share visions, desires, and goals.

Treat everyone with whom you come in contact as a fellow member of the human race-with all the rights, duties, and privileges thereof.

The Golden Rule still applies:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


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